Dear Beloveds,
Full Moon blessings to you! Today we celebrate the rise of the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius, a fire sign with a boldness and passion that is exciting & powerful.
Sagittarians are dreamers, adventurers & seekers. With open hearts, they chase their dreams and new horizons with optimism. Let the energy of this Full Moon empower you to dream big and get excited about what’s coming up and untapped potential.
The flowers are in full bloom in the northern hemisphere - hence this moon’s floral moniker. The days are getting longer, and suddenly the Earth has burst into colour. We, too, can burst into colour, blooming gloriously and brilliantly exactly where we are. We want to encourage you to connect within and allow yourself to bloom.
You may be surprised at the magic that’s created when you do.
I embrace optimism, and have faith in myself.
Journal Questions:
1. What are your dreams? List 3. What actions can you take today in support of you realising these dreams?
2. Where have you been playing small? How can you release yourself from your inhibitions, and bloom under the light of this Full Moon?
3. Sagittarians are all about connection! Who can you form a new connection with in the coming days? (This can include yourself!)